Bounce of the dragon [Bandito] - Bounce of the dragon
- Temple of Bounce [Bandito]
- Vamp Records 7 [Bandito]
- Dragon Ball Quest [FunsexyDB]
- Android 18 meets Krillin - Dragon Ball Z [Pink Pawg]
- Android 18 Is Alone! - Dragon Ball Z [Pink Pawg]
- Rescuing Android 18!? - Dragon Ball Z [Pink Pawg]
- Dragon Buster [Palcomix]
- Dragon Ball H [Palcomix]
- XX - Dragon Ball Z [Shoji Hariko]
- SEX OF DRAGON BALL [Muscleman]
- Dragon Award [Kyuusho Tarou]
- Dragon Diva [Takimoto Dojo]
- Dragon Ball & Winx Club [Drawn Sex]
- Story Hen - Dragon Ball Z [M&M]
- Dragon Swap [FunsexyDB]
- Lost Innocence - Dragon Ball [Super Melons]
- N18 Lust Adventure (Dragon Ball Z) [QuirogaArt]
- Chichi's Unfortunate Fate (Dragon Ball Z)…