Formula 69 [Palcomix] - Formula 69
- The Formula [Lustomic]
- Formula for Retirement [CBlack]
- Darkhearts [Palcomix]
- SoulCalibur [Palcomix]
- Slayers Delicious [Palcomix]
- Curiosity [Palcomix]
- Tenchi Muyo [Palcomix]
- Zombies are Like, So Well Hung! [Palcomix]
- I Fought the Law and the Law Won [Palcomix]
- The Colors of Sorrow [Palcomix]
- The Blame Game [Palcomix]
- Sonic XXX Project [Palcomix]
- Rearing A Slaye [Palcomix]
- The Powerruff Girls [Palcomix]
- Suzy and Frank [Palcomix]
- Jinxed Shadow [Palcomix]
- Misato's New Girlfriend [Palcomix]
- Bats and Chipmunks and Mousettes, Oh My! [Palcomix]